Conoce al futuro Presidente del Área Sudamérica Nor-Oeste (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia):
Born March 26, 1957, Seattle, Washington
Baptized as a child, Aaronic Priesthood as a youth, Melchizedek Priesthood as a young man
Missionary to the El Salvador San Salvador Mission, 1976-1978
Married Shelley Hatch May 29, 1979, Salt Lake Temple; five children
Bachelor's in International Relations, BYU,1981; law degree from BYU J. Ruben Clark Law School, 1984
Attorney, then partner in the law firm of Stafford, Frey, Cooper, 1984-present
Elders Quorum President; Bishop; Stake President, 1991-2001; Area Authority Seventy, 2001 to 2006
First Quorum of the Seventy 2006-present